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Lagniappe - My Favorite Hiking Documentaries—March 26, 2019

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We are living in the golden age of dreaming!! What do I mean by that? I mean that you can sit in your armchair, pull up Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon and dream your way onto the trail.....doesn't matter what the weather is like, or if you have to be at work the next morning. Join me as I share some of my favorite hiking documentaries with you. The links can all be found below, and I hope you find yourself inspired by them all.

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Walking the Great Divide Trailer
Walking the Great Divide - Purchase
Walking the Great Divide - Flagler Films

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Appalachian Impressions Trailer
Appalachian Impressions - Flagler Films

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Beauty Beneath the Dirt Website
Beauty Beneath the Dirt on Amazon Prime

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Trail Angels: A documentary - IMDB
Trail Angels on Amazon Prime

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The Way on Amazon Prime

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